In July of 2020, the Diocesan Christian Formation Task Force premiered a program called the 4Ms of Mental Health. At that time, we were four or five months into the pandemic and a month into protests, conflict, and violence after the murder of George Floyd. Now, we find ourselves 18 months into the pandemic and it is not showing signs of going away. In light of the continued pandemic and the constant strain it places on our lives, the
Read MoreReconciling Thought: Stay Put, Pay Attention, Share in Ministry
Transcript – Hi, I’m Bishop Brian. I recently had a chance to spend a day with the School of Theology community at Sewanee. I was there for their quiet day, which is a time of reflection and with lots of silence and contemplative prayer that we share in together at Sewanee. In asking me to speak at a quiet day, which maybe sounds nonsensical, I gave three brief talks on ways to pray always, to pray without ceasing in
Read MoreDiocesan Staff Update: Jon Humber
Transcript – Hi, I’m Bishop Brian. I want to tell you today about who’s on first, what’s on second with the diocesan staff. The end of August Laura Nichols retired as my executive assistant. She did a great job for 16 years, serving Bishop vonRosenberg, Bishop Young, and now me. We are excited to see what’s next for Laura in her retirement. So we had hired Jon Humber in July thinking Jon would serve for us a parish support
Read MoreSelma Pilgrimage Rescheduled
Those who have already signed up for the pilgrimage will be given first priority for the rescheduled trip on March 8-11, 2022. Whether indicating your wish to participate in the rescheduled pilgrimage or requesting a refund, please email Nichole Seiferth at or call 423-821-1583. Transcript – Hi, this is Bishop Brian. I want to give an update on our plans for a Selma and Montgomery Pilgrimage in October. When we planned the October Pilgrimage a few months ago,
Read MoreResponding to Deep Hurt and Harm in Our World
A transcript of this Reconciling Thought is available at the bottom of this post. Haiti: Episcopal Relief and Development Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti and other partners in response to the devastating earthquake that struck on Saturday, August 14, 2021. The Diocese of Haiti, in collaboration with its congregations on the southern peninsula, quickly assessed the most urgent needs of vulnerable groups such as pregnant women, mothers with young children, the elderly, and
Read MoreCOVID-19 Update: We’re in this Together
Transcript – Hi, I’m Bishop Brian. I want to speak to you today, an update related to COVID, particular, the delta variant. I know in the spring, as many of us had access to the COVID-19 vaccine, there was a great sense of joy, of possibility, of progress as numbers went down, as people thought about a return to post-COVID life. Our parishes have experienced that. You and I have experienced that, as well. But we now know for
Read MoreReconciling Thought: Diocese House Staff Update
Transcript – Hi, I’m Bishop Brian. Couple of significant staff transitions are headed for us as a diocesan staff. I wanted to make you aware of those today. July 6, we will be welcoming Jon Humber to our diocesan staff as a parish support specialist. Jon’s face will be the first face you see when you enter our building here on Episcopal School Way. Jon joins us, he’s a member of the cathedral, sings in the choir there and will
Read MoreSermon from the Ordination of David Goodpaster
Photo credit: Cameron Adams The Ordination of David Goodpaster to the Priesthood All Saints’ Chapel, Sewanee June 19, 2021 Philippians 4:4-9 Matthew 9:35-38 The Right Rev. Brian L. Cole David Goodpaster. David, when you came to see me at Good Shepherd in Lexington, Kentucky, to discuss discerning a call to Holy Orders, I cannot remember, but I hope I refrained from making light of your last name. Pastor Goodpaster. Father Goodpaster. The Rev. Goodpaster. With a name
Read MoreReconciling Thought: A Time to Plant
Transcript Hi, I’m Bishop Brian. Last Sunday, the third Sunday after Pentecost, we read from the Gospel of Mark a parable. At the beginning of that parable, Jesus speaks about a person who is going out casting seed on the ground. After throwing seed on the ground, the person sleep, the person rises, the seed has died and has grown, and a plant has emerged. And that person doesn’t understand how that has happened. You and I in this
Read MoreCelebrating 100 for 100 and Music of Appalachia in the Episcopal Church and Anglican Tradition
St. Thomas, Elizabethton, Celebrates 100 for 100 St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Elizabethton, recently received an Episcopal Relief and Development grant. With funding from the grant and support from the Tri-Cities Latinx Parternship, St. Thomas is preparing 100 school bags each packed with a $100 gift card for school clothes, shoes, and supplies. To kick off the celebrations, a children’s festival will take place on the St. Thomas West Lawn on Saturday, July 24, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Eastern with vaccinations
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