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Clergy/Lay Ministry Transitions and Parish Openings

Welcome to this resource of the Episcopal Church in East Tennessee Office of Transition Ministry.

An important and challenging venture in the life of a church is the calling of a new rector. A primary service of the Diocesan Office for Transition Ministry is to assist vestries in their process to call a rector. We also strive to provide information and assistance to clergy and lay professionals interested in serving the People of God in the Episcopal Church in East Tennessee. Toward that end, we have created this page to provide easy access to information for you.

The Episcopal Church in East Tennessee strongly supports the ordination and placement of women and minorities. Diocesan policy supports sabbatical leave and continuing education for clergy. Vestries are expected to prepare Letters of Agreement with the clergy they call and are encouraged to conduct annual Mutual Ministry Reviews. Clergy making a transition into and within the diocese are expected to participate in the Fresh Start program.

The 1979 Book of Common Prayer is the liturgical customary for the diocese, and the Hymnal of 1982 and its supplemental hymnals are used. The Episcopal Church in East Tennessee supports congregations in their outreach through social ministry grants awarded from the Opportunity Fund.

In the Episcopal Church in East Tennessee, we ask that all vestries use the guidance of a trained search process consultant. The consultant guides the search committee through the period of self study, the screening of candidates, the interview process and the discernment process. All candidates are screened by the Bishop and Diocesan Transition Minister at the beginning of the search process. Therefore, all inquiries for consideration in any search process come to this office rather than directly to the parish.

Current Parish & Institutional Openings

For information about position openings, contact:

The Rt. Rev. Brian Lee Cole
814 Episcopal School Way
Knoxville, TN 37932
Phone: 865-966-2110

The Ven. Canon Jerry Askew, PhD
Canon to the Ordinary and Archdeacon
814 Episcopal School Way
Knoxville, TN 37932
Phone: 865-966-2110

Clergy & Lay Professional
Ministry Transitions

Clergy and lay professionals
are encouraged to register
or update their Office for Transition Ministry portfolio
on a regular basis at
Contact The Ven. Canon Jerry Aksew for assistance.