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– is taking some time in your day to slow the mind down, notice what is going through your mind, and allow yourself to simply be with whatever you find. This could be prayer, centering prayer, breathing meditation, walking meditation, or even intentionally noticing whatever every day activity you are doing in the moment whether that be writing a text message or folding laundry.

We’ve listed some ideas below and invite you to think of others.

Self-Guided Activities


  • Gratitude check – write 5 or 10 things for which you are grateful for today
  • Sit outside and be aware of all your senses – write what you see, what you hear, what you smell, what you feel
  • Write in a journal – note your feelings, experiences, dreams, concerns, prayers, or draw
  • If you can’t sleep, get up and make a list of the things running through your mind – commit all of them to God’s keeping


  • Read a poem
  • Read the Daily Office – Online Book of Common Prayer
  • Read The Bishop’s Weekly Reflection on Wednesdays
  • Tape a prayer from the Book of Common Prayer to the mirror where you brush your teeth, and pray by reading it silently as you begin and end your day


  • Gratitude check – say 10 things for which you are grateful for today
  • Sit outside and be aware of all your senses – say what you see, what you hear, what you smell, what you feel


  • Take a “senses” walk alone or with your child – focus on what can be seen, heard, smelled, touched, tasted (suck on a honeysuckle bud)
  • Play with your Mindfulness Jar – go to to learn how to make one
  • 10 DEEP breaths – breathe in for four counts, breathe out for six counts
  • Use an application like Calm on your device to guide your breathing
  • Walk a labyrinth or use a finger labyrinth – go to for more information on how and why to use a labyrinth and places to find one
  • Choose a phrase to repeat slowly, silently as you walk or drive somewhere – examples: “Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me,” “Lord, have mercy,“ “Into your hands I commend my spirit,” or “Only in You, Lord”


  • Say the Lord’s Prayer
  • Pray the Hail Mary
  • Say the Rosary, with or without beads
  • Spend 2, 5, 10, 20 or minutes at a home altar
  • Choose a visual reminder of God’s loving presence and put it where you will see it as you rise, go to bed, begin to cook, or start your work; practice taking a slow breath, in and out, every time you see it
  • Tape a prayer from the Book of Common Prayer to the mirror where you brush your teeth, and pray by reading it silently as you begin and end your day
  • Practice Centering Prayer – go to for more on that
  • Pray the Loving-Kindness Meditation – “May I know God’s Love.  May I know God’s Joy.  May I know God’s Peace.  May We know God’s Love.  May We Know God’s Joy.  May We know God’s Peace.  May All Persons know God’s Love.  May All Persons know God’s Joy.  May All Persons know God’s Peace.”


  • Use an application like Calm on your device to guide your quite or meditation
  • Use voice controls or type on your device to search for “15 minute relaxation tape” or meditation tape, then click on one of the ones that comes up and practice
  • Meditate for 2, 5, 10, 15 or more minutes
  • Watch or listen to Bishop Cole read a poem each Tuesday

  • Set an alarm on your phone to remind you to take 2 minutes of stillness and silence twice a day; every day, add 1 more minute of silence twice a day till you work up to 20 minutes at each session. During the silence, simply let your thoughts drift past you like riverboats seen from a riverbank
  • Set a gentle sound on your phone to notify you to stop work—once in the morning, the afternoon, and the evening—and take 5 slow, deep breaths in and out, and say “Amen” when you finish

Guided – Recorded, Online Activities, & Documents

Creating Space for Meditation

Following Up with Self-Examination

  • At the end of the day, reflect on one thing that brought you joy, or one thing you are grateful for
  • At the end of a week, reflect on a moment when you shared peace or experienced it