Ordinary Giving is the regular practice of returning to God a portion of all that God has given us. It involves teaching ourselves how to create a life built upon the notion that all that we have is a gift from God. This includes teaching the holy habits of keeping Sabbath and tithing and the concept that giving regularly of our time, talent, and money to God’s work on this earth is as much a spiritual practice as prayer and worship.
Extraordinary Giving involves the special occasions that arise in the life of Christian communities that call us to give beyond our ordinary habit. They involve increased risk and encourage us to experiment with sacrificial giving to help the community realize an especially important goal. An example of extraordinary might be a capital campaign for the care and growth of your church.
Legacy Giving is the way in which we address the matter of disposing of the accumulations of our lifetime. Who will use your stuff, when you no longer need it? It is the opportunity to leave a planned gift that constitutes both a legacy to generations yet unborn and a final witness to those whom we hold most dear. Would you like to explore leaving a legacy for the benefit of The Episcopal Church in East Tennessee? Call or email our diocesan administrator, Cheryl Bullis, 865-966-2110, or cbullis@dioet.org.
For resources about giving, see The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS).
All Episcopal Churches in East Tennessee are members of TENS. Contact us at 865-966-2110 if you’d like access information.