The Diocesan COVID-19 Task Force recently released two resources for our parishes and communities as they reconsider returning to in-person worship. First, Guidelines and Questions for A Return to In-Person Worship is a seasonal-based approach to returning to in-person worship in our parish facilities. It is meant to be used in conversation with parish clergy, vestries, and the bishop. Second, the COVID-19 Legal Tool Kit* is a brief overview of the legal considerations for parishes returning to worship and opening their workplaces for parish staff. An additional resource Tennessee’s Guidelines for Returning to Houses of Worship in the Pandemic is also available.
Suggested Tennessee Resources:
*Please note, all information is valid as of May 20, 2020. Nothing in the COVID-19 Legal Tool Kit is intended to be legal advise or to create an attorney/client relationship between the author(s) and the reader(s). if you have specific legal questions, please consult with counsel.