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Living Local: Joining God

  • A process for living more deeply into God’s mission for us
  • A shared journey for congregations, neighborhoods, communities
  • A community of learning

Local Voices from Living Local: Joining God on Vimeo

Living Local: Joining God in East Tennessee on Facebook



We listen to God by dwelling in God’s Word, and in stories of God in our lives and in our neighborhoods – we practice deep listening


As we hear from God and one another, we ponder how God might be calling us to take action in the world – we reflect and discern


We experiment with new ways of joining in God’s mission, trusting God uses our failures as well as our successes – learn from ways we didn’t meet expectations


We wonder together about what God is up to in our lives and in the world – we reflect and discern again


We adopt new ways of being the Body of Christ as we listen, discern, try on, and reflect – we decide to change our new normal


Listening to God, Each Other, and Our Neighbor


After each listening practice, spend time asking the group what they might be learning.

End each reflection session with prayers of thanksgiving.



  • Things are changing and we need to reimagine how to be a church in this new world
  • God is already ahead of us, up to something in our neighborhoods and communities, and we should join God there
  • A lay-led, grassroots effort to discover God’s mission for us in our neighborhoods and communities is preferred over a top-down vision
  • Our neighbor is anyone we encounter in our daily life – where we live, where we work, where we play, and where we pray
  • God’s mission for us is different in each of our contexts – location and time
  • Our re-imagination of how we are called to be church in our specific context potentially includes new ways of using our resources – time, talents, money, structures, and clergy – but not necessarily
  • We learn best through experiences and action learning
  • Sharing in communities broadens and deepens our learning
  • Anything worth doing is worthy of practice and development over time
  • We don’t know what the end game looks like, but we look for transformation of individuals, congregations, neighborhoods and communities

Learning in Community