- This event has passed.
Cancelled: Eucharistic Visitor Workshop
November 9, 2019 @ 9:30 am - 2:00 pm

This workshop has been cancelled.
[This four-hour workshop is for members of tri-cities-area Episcopal churches who are:
- New in their ministry as a Lay Eucharistic Visitor (EV)
- Veteran/experienced in their ministry as an EV for their parish
- Clergy who provide training and/or oversight for EVs for their parish
Whether you require initial training, want to supplement the training in your parish, or just want to sharpen your understanding and personal tool box, come join us.
Prior to the workshop participants are asked to:
- Discuss a call to ministry as an EV with their Rector/Priest-in-Charge
- Procure and read A Manual for Eucharistic Visitors, by Beth Wickenberg Ely
The 80-page text can be purchased in new or used print or electronic format through Amazon or Morehouse Publishing for less than $15. The book is a primer for the workshop. The instructors will be providing supplemental instruction and material.
Please note that completion of this workshop is not a requirement for a license; however, before being licensed by the diocese to ministry as a licensed lay Eucharistic Visitor, lay ministers are required to:
- Provide endorsement from their Rector/Priest-in-Charge for practicing the ministry of Licensed Lay Eucharistic Visitor in their parish
- Complete/Update training in Safeguarding God’s Children as well as Safeguarding God’s People (go to LINK for details if needed)
Please bring a home communion kit from your parish.
We will gather at 9:30 AM ET, the workshop will begin promptly at 10:00 AM ET, and we will end no later than 2:00 PM ET. A light lunch will be provided.]
For more information contact Beverly Hurley Hill, Canon for Mission and Lay Ministry at (205) 213-6640 or bhurleyhill@dioet.org.