Hi, I’m Bishop Brian. I want to invite you to reading a book together in the Easter season, “The City is My Monastery”-it’s by Richard Carter-on April 11th through May 30th for eight sessions, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.. We will take a look at this great new book reflecting on how you and I together can create intentional community either in person or online, to think about what it looks like to make a contemporary rule of life.
This book came on my radar screen with a conversation with Canon Lisa Senuta from the Diocese of Kansas, who recently led a combined Diocese of West Tennessee Diocese of East Tennessee Clergy Lenten Retreat at Saint Mary’s Sewanee. It is our hope that we will make this an annual practice of gathering with the West Tennessee Clergy for a retreat for Lenten Retreat. It was good to be together to meet new colleagues and to reflect on the work of contemplation as we think about our ministry, our parish ministry, our diverse ministries across the state in 2023. We talked about that whole idea of impasse. When we find those places of impasse, how do we stop and gather and be present to what God is doing now?
This book, “The City Is My Monastery,” I invite you to read it with me. Each week we will take a look at each chapter in the book. So we’ll begin on April 11th, finishing up May 30th. At the end of this video, there’ll be information on how to register, how to get this book highly recommended to you. And again, knowing that I wish every East Tennessean could go on retreat the way we went on a retreat at Saint Mary’s Sewanee. If you find yourself not able to do that, consider reading this book together as a way of a personal retreat, one that you share with others in this conversation each week online.
So again, during the Easter season, let’s reflect on how God continues to move in our midst in 2023 and how the places where we are can become places where we become one with God.
Thank you.