Were you aware that the General Convention of the Episcopal Church is the largest legislative body outside of our National Government in DC? The one-year countdown to the 81st General Convention and the 51st Triennial Meeting of the
Episcopal Church Women, taking place in the Diocese of Kentucky, begins on June 23rd! Alongside the important work towards reconciliation and equality, the convention is set to be filled with exciting events, starting with a revival hosted by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry on Saturday, June 22nd, 2024. A significant event to look forward to is the election of our next Presiding Bishop, which occurs only once every 9 years.
We need 50 supervisors who can spend the week with us, providing consistent support for the coordinators in ensuring asmooth-running event. Before the convention, supervisors will meet twice (this fall, the morning of Nov. 18th, and spring ’24, date TBD) with the coordinators in Louisville.
Moreover, we require your assistance in filling 800-1000 volunteer positions to make this event enjoyable and secure for everyone. There is work available for individuals of all abilities, and we would love to have youth present as well(16 or 17 years old working at the same location and time as a parent). Below are brief descriptions of the areas where help is needed. At this point, all we need is an expression of interest. Please use the QR code on the diocesan page to sign up or contact me directly at amyspicer@episcopalky.org Detailed position descriptions will be available in late winter/early spring ’24.
Diocesan Hospitality
Provide support for the diocesan event and more as needed. Volunteer duties are yet to be identified.
Communication Central
Communication Central provides information and promotes a connection with all Convention and ECW attendees. This area offers legislative and general information, distributes assisted listening devices for enhancing sound inWorship and the Houses of Deputies/Bishops, secures items lost in the convention center, and serves as a gathering point for attendees.
Volunteer positions are stationary and allow for both standing and/or sitting.
All guests attending the General Convention or ECW Triennial Meeting must register and have a name badge to attend, observe, or participate in Convention. It is the first stop for everyone, and therefore essential to be a welcoming area with friendly, helpful, courteous, and patient volunteers. We require a valid picture ID from everyone at the time of registration, and there is a process for each area of registration.
Both stationary and roving positions for volunteers are available. Successful supervisors in this area are mobile (theregistration area can stretch a full half-mile long) and effective communicators who can be alert to the needs of volunteers.
House of Deputies Logistical Support
The House of Deputies is one of the legislative bodies that constitute the General Convention. Deputies sit on the“Floor” of the House of Deputies. Deputies and others have recognized credentials to access the Floor. Our primary function is to support the needs of the President and Secretary of the House of Deputies.
Some volunteer positions in this area require walking and lifting while others are stationary, either standing or sitting.
House of Bishops Logistical Support
The House of Bishops is one of the legislative bodies that constitute the General Convention. Bishops sit on the“Floor” of the House of Bishops. Bishops and others have recognized credentials to access the Floor. Our primary function is to support the needs of the Presiding Bishop and Secretary of the House of Bishops.
Some volunteer positions in this area require walking and while others are stationary, either standing or sitting.
Legislative Committee Logistical Support
Legislative Committee Meetings and Hearings are increasingly taking advantage of digital technology, however, somemay need to happen on-site. They are generally scheduled during the early mornings or evenings. For the first few days of the General Convention, they also meet during the day.
Volunteers in this area need to be mobile and/or able to stand for long periods.
Language Services
The Episcopal Church has Dioceses in other countries. Simultaneous Interpretation is offered in Spanish and French inthe Houses of Deputies and Bishops. Professional Interpreters, who are contracted, provide this service in Legislative Committee meetings and while the House of Deputies and Bishops are in session. Volunteers in this area should be bilingual in Spanish. French Creole would be a plus.
Volunteers in this area will experience moments of activity and waiting for the next need for support.
Over 8,000 people attend the General Convention and the meeting of the Episcopal Church Women throughout the 6days of the schedule. Our goal is to provide a welcoming and safe environment for official attendees and visitors. The responsibility of this area includes general crowd awareness, observing areas of the Exhibit Hall, and responding to the needs of the Presiding Officers of both houses. You are the eyes and ears making sure that everybody has an equally accessible and safe time at convention.
Time is often spent being a human signpost, directing traffic. And being observant and aware to report if any trouble is observed. This is not a policing position, but one of prayerful observation.
Most volunteers in this area will need to be mobile and able to stand for long periods, there are limited sitting positions that require attentiveness to multiple conversations at once and awareness of key persons’ locations at all times.
Virtual Binder Support
The Virtual Binder application was developed as a way for Bishops and Deputies to manage legislation electronically and to access other resources (canonical publications, Worship bulletins, and calendars) which had previously been available with the use of paper. Support in this area involves answering questions and demonstrating how to navigate and obtain the information available on the tablet chosen for the Virtual Binder. Volunteers are located at the Registration area, in the House of Deputies, and House of Bishops.
Both mobile and stationary positions are available.
Volunteer Services
This area welcomes and registers all volunteers to the convention and offers a place to gather and relax before the role they are about to undertake. Volunteers are required to sign in daily for an assigned shift. Therefore, this area is very busy at the start of the day and during shift changes. In addition to registering daily volunteers who have signed up in advance of the convention, time is spent on confirming volunteers for future shifts, registering new people who wish to volunteer on-site, and adding shifts to volunteers who are already in the database and have more time to offer. Good communication and people skills are a gift in these roles.
Worship Logistical Support
Worship is an integral part of our gathering as The Episcopal Church. Our support of this area embraces a deep sense of hospitality and love of the whole church in our many different styles, languages, and forms of worship. Since 2015 our worship bulletins have been offered virtually through what is called the Virtual Binder and through the General Convention website. Most of the worship services will take place in the morning. There will be three Eucharist services and a Revival, the other days will incorporate worship with community gathering time.
Supervisors are asked to work three-hour blocks around the worship services as the hands and feet of the worshipcommittee. Volunteers must be mobile and able to stand for extended periods.
Episcopal Church Women (ECW) Triennial Meeting
In 2024, the Episcopal Church Women (ECW) will gather to hold their 51st Triennial Meeting. Traditionally they meet during a General
Convention as a time to conduct business, worship with others in The
Episcopal Church, be inspired, and host numerous workshops. Most Dioceses in The Episcopal Church elect Delegates and Alternate Delegates. Members are certified and registered to attend this meeting. Volunteer support is similar to Registration and Logistical support for General Convention.