Bishop Brian invites you to a nightly prayer service of Compline, the night office from the Daily Office, as we celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
Pass the link along to your friends and family who may wish to prayer Compline with Bishop Brian and other Christians across East Tennessee and the world.
Hi, this is Bishop Brian. I want to speak to you today about the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. For well over 100 years, there has been an ecumenical movement and effort to gather Christians to pray together for a week to acknowledge a divided church that desires to grow deeper and closer together in prayer.
This year, that week is January 17th through the 24th, so the Episcopal Diocese of East Tennessee will acknowledge that time by gathering together each evening for a Zoom Compline at 8:30 p.m. At the end of this video, you will see an opportunity to register and to join us each evening for a brief Compline service. Compline is the last service in the night office in the prayer book and it’s a great way to end and conclude your day.
We pray not only seeking a deeper union as God’s church in the world, but also to seek a deeper union as citizens in this country in a fractured and tumultuous time. So know that as we pray, we pray also to acknowledge and to reject the heresy of Christian nationalism and we pray for a deep provision of God’s love and grace and mercy and justice in the world.
So I would invite you to gather with me beginning on Sunday, 17th of January at 8:30, each evening through the 24th for a brief service of compline. Please share this invitation with others and know that we can gather up to 500 people for the Zoom prayer. It would be great to see lots of faces, faces that we don’t even know, but faces that we know reflect the love of Christ in the world. Continue to be about the good work of God’s work in the world, to seek justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly.
It’s a joy and honor to be your bishop. Look forward to the year ahead in this diocese and in this land, amen.