Hi, I’m Bishop Brian, I want to tell you a story about my seventh grade Christmas break. So, seventh grade Christmas break, wonderful, time, time with family time where we traveled. Came back to school. Seventh grade locker. Completely forgot my combination. First time in my life where I realized there was something I did every day, but then I stopped doing it for a couple of weeks and I was stunned. I could not get my locker open. It was embarrassing. I didn’t realize something like that could happen.
We are now at the end of Christmas season with Epiphany Eve this very day and in a time, maybe when you have been on some kind of break of traveling, of being away of being with family. Maybe there are habits.There are things you do that now are going to feel so disorienting. You haven’t done them in a while and you’ve forgotten what you took for granted. So in this Epiphany Eve, as we look towards 2022, I would invite you to think about what are those habits that maybe you need to return to to take on again, to realize that it’s OK to forget things because maybe you haven’t done them in a while, but those habits that keep us grounded.
The season of Epiphany is a time that we look up into the sky and we see the star. But is that star from so far away that grounds us in God’s story of incarnation and presence. So this is a time to look up, and it’s also a time to look down and catch our breath and get our feet grounded again as we as God’s people on the road, as pilgrims continue on this journey and continue on this journey together. I know these continue to be hard days, but these are also days grounded in God’s hope. God’s hope is with us in all seasons, particularly in this season. So pray for me as I pray for you, as we prepare to gather again online for convention. To be honest and humble and hopeful people. People who in the process of sometimes being disoriented allows us to reorient us and all of us to God’s story, God’s presence with us. So look up, look down and prepare to move again.
Royalty free music by Bensound.