Bishop Brian highlights the upcoming Enneagram workshop at St. John’s Cathedral as one of many methods for enriching your spirituality. The Enneagram is a 9 point personality type model that describes how people interpret their surroundings and manage emotions.
– Hi, I’m Bishop Brian. With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic in March, 2020, several plans were put on hold. One plan related to a variety of new offerings coming from St. John’s Cathedral with the Center for Spiritual Practices. So I am pleased to announce that on October 22nd and October 23rd, a Friday and Saturday, they will be hosting a two day intensive workshop related to the Enneagram with Sandra Smith, Ronda Redden Reitz, and Lee Ensign. These are all gifted folks in the teaching and study interpretation of the Enneagram.
The Enneagram is a nine-fold study looking at how we relate, how we are integrated, how we engage others in the world. It really is a tool intended to deepen spiritual practice and spiritual awareness. This is an intensive two day workshop, so it is intended for folks who have some knowledge of the Enneagram. But if that is who you are, then this workshop is intended for you. At the end of this video, you will see ways to register. And there are discounts for folks from St John’s or discount for folks in other walks of life.
So take a look at that and that offering. Again, it comes from gifted and thoughtful people. Sandra Smith, who comes from Asheville, North Carolina, I’ve known for over 20 years, and first encountered the Enneagram through working and study with Sandra. So a good offering as we continue to be God’s people in east Tennessee, and to continue to deepen a formation through the cathedral, through the diocese, and beyond. Give this a look and hope you can participate. Thank you.