Bishop Brian invites you into the coming season of Advent, a time of hope and renewal. The diocese is offering a free course with Ginger Huebner in a series called, “Create + Connect Circles.” Each session meets on the four Sundays of Advent, November 28, December 5, 12, and 19 at 6:00 pm Eastern on Zoom. You can attend all or some of the sessions. More information about the Create + Connect Circles offering is available here.
– Hi, I’m Bishop Brian. This Sunday, November 28th is the beginning of Advent, 2021. This Sunday, the gospel lesson comes from the gospel of Luke chapter 21, reflections on the coming of the Son of Man. And Jesus speaks of this time as a possible time of fear, of confusion, of foreboding. But to say even in the midst of that, to continue to look and watch and wait for this coming, for this new thing breaking into God’s world.
All the more in this time when you maybe are feeling fear and confusion and foreboding, this is an opportunity for us to gather. To gather in person for worship, but also to gather online with Ginger Huebner beginning this Sunday evening at 6:00 PM to work on create and connect circles, considering both the lessons we’re hearing in scripture on Sunday mornings, but also gathering together to reflect on what’s being called out from us artistically.
Ginger is a gifted teacher and a guide in helping draw out artistic vision and hope for many of us maybe who don’t feel particularly artistic, that would include me. But I find it always helpful to sit with Ginger and reflect on what God is doing and how I might be able to express that, not with words but through art. So I’d encouraged you to join us. You don’t need to be with us every Sunday evening of advent so come as you can, come online and know that we will have ways for you to register at the end of this video.
Again, it’s good to be your bishop, to serve with you as 2021 will be giving over soon to 2022. That a new year ahead beginning with advent this year will be a year of hope, of renewal. As we prepare to gather and convention online in February, you’ll hear more from us about that. But know that you’re in my prayers as you gather around Thanksgiving tables, reflect on how God continues to abide with us even in uncertain times. God’s love and grace and mercy is certain for us. Amen.