January 11, 2022
Dear East Tennessee Friends,
I write to you with news regarding our plans for the Committal of Ashes for The Right Rev. William Sanders. After hearing from the Sanders family, we all came to a mutual decision to postpone plans for a January 22nd public liturgy at St. John’s Cathedral. A large public liturgy with people traveling to Knoxville from all across the Southeast while Covid Omicron numbers surge is not wise right now.
Once the Omicron surge dissipates, we will reschedule a public liturgy at St. John’s Cathedral and announce the new date with enough time for all those who would wish to attend to make plans to do so.
Friends, our faith teaches us that Bishop Sanders is already “increasing in knowledge and love of [Almighty God]…go(ing) from strength to strength in the life of perfect service.” May we continue to commit ourselves to be a people willing to grow, however imperfectly, in knowledge and love, trusting that our truest strength is found in the grace of the Christ who descended to us and remains with us forever.
+ Brian