In his new book, Justified by Her Children: Small Deeds of Courage Confronting a Tradition of Racism, The Rev. Roy Pollina, Chattanooga-based priest and author, recounts the sad historical record of the Episcopal Church through the lens of Christ Church Martinsville, Virginia, his former parish, at a time when white denominations often looked upon the struggle for integration and racial equality as a “sociological problem” that should never have become an “unfortunate controversy” for the church.
In May of 1958, Virginia newspapers were reporting that the Christ Church, Martinsville, congregational leadership had declared that their bishop’s plan to integrate the summer youth camp “is both illegal and ill-advised” and that they would oppose any “intermingling of the races.” Amid this controversy, a quiet revolution stirred among that congregation’s young people, uplifted by their youthful, energetic priest, The Reverend Philip Gresham. When these brave young people stood with their bishop in favor of an integrated youth camp their opinion was derided as youthful naïveté. It was suggested that they focus on their studies and leave such problems to the adults. Rather than discouraging them, their church leadership’s humiliating dismissal inspired them to devise a more tangible expression of their position. They would acquire and present a gift, a “peace offering”, as a token of their solidarity with their bishop.
In Virginia in the mid-twentieth century cognitive dissonance has become an unconscious response for dealing with racism as evidenced by the young priest who believes that racial segregation is “a refutation of God’s teachings” yet feels the need to defend his congregational leaders writing to his bishop, “Some mighty fine Christians are segregationists.” Justified by Her Children is written in the hope that readers will gain a better understanding of “how it was,” and from that understanding, know better how to deal with “how it is” today.
In easy to read, clear and concise terms, Pollina take the reader through the story of life in the community and church as it was, exposing the tradition of racism in Virginia from the colonial enslavers to the massive resistance of Virginia segregationist of the 1950s. Justified by Her Children is ultimately a story of grace and forgiveness, but not before it wends its way through the trial and execution of the African American “Martinsville Seven,” past the whispers about the sexual orientation of the young, single priest, and a congregation in conflict over letting its white children eat a box supper with black children at a church mission event to benefit hungry brown children. He wrote this book with the belief that unless and until you understand “how it was” when racism was legally and culturally accepted then you will not understand how it is that white privilege still exists today.
Justified by Her Children is published by Whaler Books an imprint of Mariner Publishing, Buena Vista, VA, ISBN 978-1-7349136-3-7, $19.95. It is available for purchase online at until bookstores reopen.
Please do not hesitate to contact The Rev. Roy Pollina at if you have any questions about the book.
**Copy provided by the author**