Grace Point Camp and Retreat Center Executive Director, The Rev. Brad Jones, highlights a successful 2021 summer camp season despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Grace Point Camp and Retreat Center will continue their offering of camps for the 2022 season as they continue to progress with construction of their new Retreat Center. Camp registration is now open!
This year’s annual convention drew attention to the Retreat Center construction project with Bishop Brian Cole requesting donations for the remainder of the campaign in his annual address and in the convention worship.
Report to the 2022 38th Annual Diocesan Convention
As we all know, 2021 was another challenging year for everyone. However, there are some very exciting things happening at Grace Point.
As most of you know we have begun construction of our new retreat village which will add seven new cottages and a retreat center. We are coming to the end of grading and installation of utilities. This past year we were set back over and over again because of weather and material issues. We will begin pouring foundations and begin framing within the next month. Things will really start to move once this happens. Visitors will finally be able to see what this new project will look like. We believe everyone will be very excited.
With many, many discussions and preparations we were able to have camp this summer. We are happy to say that we had no positive COVID-19 cases at camp this summer.
Unfortunately, due to the pandemic the majority of our retreats canceled. This has made it difficult to remain in budget. We expect a return of bookings for 2022. We have already had several groups reserve weekends and believe that Grace Point will continue to grow.
With an encouraging response to our annual campaign, financial support for Grace Point continues to be strong. I want to thank those of you who have made a gift to Grace Point and welcome other gifts to our annual campaign. We are excited for our future together and look forward to another successful year of being a gathering place, a healing place, and a holy place for all to experience Grace in God’s creation and the natural world.
In closing, Grace Point would like to thank you for your financial and emotional support. We believe our ministry of hospitality is vital to our children and the diocese. Your continued support of Grace Point’s ministry will allow us to remain a beacon of gathering, community, and faith.
Brad Jones+