Collect for Holy Saturday
O God, Creator of Heaven and earth: Grant that, as the crucified body of your dear Son was laid in the tomb and rested on this holy Sabbath, so we may await with him the coming of the third day, and rise with him to newness of life; who now lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Jesus once slept in a boat while a storm raged and his disciples were afraid. They woke him, asking him if he cared that they were perishing. Once awake, he calms the storm.
On Holy Saturday, Jesus is once again found sleeping. This time, however, it is a sleep of death. The storm no longer rages on the waters. The storm of the crucifixion is now calmed. Today is quiet and silent, while Jesus sleeps.
While Jesus sleeps, our only task today is to keep vigil with him. There is nothing else to do. Can you sit with him while he sleeps?
We do not need to wake him, to keep us from perishing. In sleeping now, he has calmed the storm, both within us and around us.
+ Brian