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Bishop & Council (B&C) of the Diocese of East Tennessee

The Bishop and Council (B&C) comprises the Bishop, the Dean of the Cathedral (or their appointed representative clergyperson), plus ten lay and clerical members who represent each of the three geographical areas of the diocese – two of each from the populous South East and Middle East areas and one of each from the Upper East Area. Each term is three years.

B&C carries out the work of the Diocesan Convention between its annual meetings and oversees the program of the diocese. Among its responsibilities, B&C prepares the diocesan budget to be approved by Diocesan Convention and approves grants and loans recommended by the Opportunity Fund Committee. Members follow implementation of convention resolutions and work with the bishop on ministry and mission decisions in the diocese. Members may also serve on committees and/or work on projects and tasks between meetings at large, and may need to build and lead teams to accomplish goals and complete projects. Members gather four to six times a year for meetings at the Diocesan House in Knoxville, and annual meetings may include an overnight retreat.

To message a member of B&C, please send an email to and your message will be routed by one of the diocesan staff to the appropriate member. Please note that this new procedure is in place to combat phishing and whaling emails.

Current members of B&C are:

Terms expire February 2026:

The Rev. Thomas Schneider
Rector, St. Raphael’s, Crossville

Mr. Tim Bradshaw
St. Paul’s, Kingsport

Ms. Jeanne Hogarth
Thankful Memorial, Chattanooga

Terms expire February 2027:

The Rev. Jon Hermes
Rector, St. Michael’s, Kingsport

The Rev. Zac Settle, PhD
Curate, Grace Episcopal, Chattanooga

Ms. Courtney Manrod
St. Stephen’s, Oak Ridge

Terms expire February 2028:

The Rev. Sean McEwen
Curate, St. Andrew’s, Maryville

Mr. Dusty Kent
Good Shepherd, Lookout Mountain

Ms. Marilyn Roddy
Church of the Ascension, Knoxville

The Rev. Maribeth Manoff
Priest-in-Charge, Church of the Nativity, Ft. Oglethorpe

Other members:

The Rt. Rev. Brian Lee Cole

The Very Rev. Chris Hackett

Mr. George Arrants

Mr. Jimmy Stewart
Diocesan Treasurer